Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions about our massage and skincare services follows. Please click on a question to reveal the answer. If you don’t see your question below, please contact us.

Massage FAQ

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What is included in the session time?

A 60-minute massage session consists of a 50-minute hands-on massage, time for you to undress, redress, and time for pre and post-consultation. Consultation time is used to speak with the Massage Therapist about your particular concerns, customize your service, and ensure the longest-lasting effects with at-home care and recommendations. 

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Do I have to be completely undressed?

You should undress to a level you are comfortable with. For a full-body massage, it is common for guests to get completely undressed aside from their underwear (usually bra is removed too).  The Massage Therapist will work around the clothes you left on as best they can. If removing all your clothes makes you too nervous and unable to relax, then you will not get the optimal benefits from the session, so only undress to your comfort level.  Your Massage Therapist will step out of the room to give you privacy to undress and get situated on the table. All necklaces, bracelets, and other jewelry should be removed.

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Will I be covered during the session?

You will be properly covered or draped at all times to keep you warm and comfortable. Only the area being worked on will be exposed. You should always let your Massage Therapist know if you are uncomfortable for any reason during your massage session.

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What do I do during the massage?

Make yourself comfortable. If your Massage Therapist wants you to adjust your position, they will either move you or will ask you to move what is needed. Otherwise, change your position anytime to make yourself more comfortable.

Many people close their eyes and relax completely during a session; others prefer to talk. It’s up to you. It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time or let the Massage Therapist know if you would like more/less pressure during the service.

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Can I talk during my session?

Sure, if you would like to talk, go right ahead. The important thing to remember is that this massage is all about relaxing and enjoying the experience. 

In many instances, people may feel more relaxed starting off talking, and as the massage progresses, enter quiet states of relaxation.

Most importantly, there are times when you need to speak up. If the Massage Therapist is doing anything that makes you uncomfortable, you should let them know immediately. Also, let them know if you get too warm or too cold, if the room is too bright, or if the pressure needs to be adjusted (lighter or deeper). If something is not working for you, speak up! It’s OK!

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Will the massage hurt?

A light, relaxing massage that does not probe very deep into the muscles, should not hurt. A deep tissue massage can hurt, however, if the pain is unbearable or you find yourself holding your breath to “breathe through the pain” you should ask your Therapist to adjust their pressure. Never feel afraid to communicate with your Massage Therapist regarding their pressure, as pain can cause you to tighten up which can negate the relaxing effects of the massage.  

The most effective massage should work with your body’s natural response, not against it.

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How often should I get a massage?

It varies from person to person, if you are looking to address a specific concern you may need to visit more frequently at first. Once your concerns are addressed, then you can slowly taper down to a maintenance schedule based on your Massage Therapist’s recommendation. If you are looking for some relaxation and upkeep, then a session every 3-4 weeks may be fine for you. 

The frequency of sessions should be discussed with your Massage Therapist after your treatment when they have a better hands-on understanding of your particular muscular issues.

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When should I avoid getting a massage?

There are a few conditions that would prevent you from enjoying a massage. You should not schedule a massage if you have a fever, cold/flu, or contagious skin infection, these are called contraindications. 

There are many other conditions that may cause your Massage Therapist to adapt techniques (i.e., arthritis or osteoporosis) or avoid an area completely (i.e., cuts or burns). With some conditions, it is a good idea to get approval from your physician before you receive a massage. Some of these conditions are; cancer, certain heart conditions, and the first trimester of pregnancy. This does not mean you cannot get a massage. But, it’s always better to be cautious and consult with your healthcare provider. Your Massage Therapist can advise you about your specific needs.

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How will I feel after my massage treatment?

Most people feel very relaxed. Some experience a significant decrease or freedom from long-term aches and pains. Many guests feel a little sluggish for a short period and then notice an increase of energy, heightened awareness, and increased productivity, which can last for days.

If you receive a deep tissue massage, you may be slightly sore the next day – much like after a good workout. Sometimes a hot shower or a soak in the tub can ease this soreness.

After your session, you should increase your water intake. Just a glass or two more than normal is usually fine. This helps keep your body’s tissues hydrated and healthy.

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Am I expected to tip my Massage Therapist?

Tips are always appreciated. If you have received exceptional service and would like to show your appreciation to the Therapist, the average tip ranges between 20-25%.  However, from the Massage Therapist’s perspective, it is always nice to receive the complement of a gratuity. If paying with a credit card or check, the tip can be added to the total.

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Are there any cancellation fees?

Missed appointments or those canceled with less than 12-hours notice will be charged a cancellation fee up to the cost of the scheduled service. Please give 12-hours notice if you need to reschedule your appointment so that the appointment time may be made available to others.

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What if I fall asleep, snore, pass gas, or drool during my massage?

Bodies react to massage in a lot of different ways, this can happen during a service and is nothing to be embarrassed about.  Just take it as a sign you are enjoying the relaxation!

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What if I have body acne, skin conditions, or forgot to shave?

Rest assured, Massage Therapists have seen it all! Please do not feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Your Massage Therapist is focused on creating a relaxing and therapeutic experience for you, and it’s difficult to relax if you are anxious about your body’s appearance. If anything, your Massage Therapist may be able to make product or technique recommendations to help alleviate any conditions that may be bothersome to you.

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What does a Massage Therapist’s license or certification mean?

A license means that a Massage Therapist has met the state/board requirements to legally practice massage in your city, county, and/or state. To obtain a license, a Massage Therapist will usually have to complete a minimum number of training hours at an accredited or accepted school or training center.

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Will massage oils make me break out?

Most Massage Therapists use hypoallergenic massage oil or lotion. However, if you have sensitivity to certain types of oils or lotions, please let your Massage Therapist know, as most LaVida Massage Centers have an assortment of oils and lotions on hand.

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Why does a Massage Therapist ask about my medical history?

There are certain medical conditions for which massage is not recommended, as discussed above. Before your first visit, you are asked to complete a short intake form that includes a brief medical history. The medical information you provide helps the Massage Therapist refrain from doing anything  that might cause you harm. Our short intake form also provides lifestyle and daily activity information, which can help your Therapist choose the most effective technique to relieve whatever concerns you may have.

Skincare FAQ

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This is my first time booking a facial, is there anything that I need to do to prepare for my session?

No. If at all possible, you should  arrive for your appointment without makeup to speed up the cleansing process

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What kind of facial service should I request?

It all depends on what your skin needs at the time. Your skin changes throughout your life based on many different factors such as the seasons, hormones, and genetics . The Esthetician will evaluate your skin upon arrival, and through consultation help you determine the best service for your skin. Much like our massages, our facials are customized to fit you and your specific skincare concerns!

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What are the aftercare recommendations to keep my skin healthy beyond my session?

Minimize sun exposure, stay hydrated, maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and keep up with the recommended daily skincare regimen from your Esthetician.

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How often should I book a facial?

It’s recommended you book a facial at least every 4 weeks, but speak with the Esthetician about a regimen specific to you.

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What is the purpose of a facial?

The main purpose of a facial is to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize the skin. A facial also allows you to address any specific concerns you have about your skin with a licensed Esthetician.

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What causes acne and can a facial completely treat my acne?

Some of the main causes of acne can be stress, hormones, genetics, sugar, nuts, and dairy. Although our services may help alleviate some of the symptoms of acne, they won’t make it disappear completely. Always follow the advice of your Esthetician,  continue a healthy, daily skincare regimen, and schedule regular facial sessions to help keep your acne under control.

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I have sensitive skin, can I still book a facial?

Yes, just let your Esthetician know about your skin sensitivities before the beginning of your session.

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I’m pregnant, is it safe for me to receive a facial treatment?

It is typically safe to book a facial during your pregnancy, but you should  always check with your healthcare provider first. Our facial services may help alleviate some of the hormonal changes in your skin. Let your Esthetician know about your pregnancy before your session.

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Am I expected to tip my Esthetician?

Tips are always appreciated. If you have received exceptional service and would like to show your appreciation to the Esthetician, the average tip ranges between 20-25%.  However, from the Esthetician’s perspective, it is always nice to receive the complement of a gratuity. If paying with a credit card or check, the tip can be added to the total.